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Daniel Adams

Class of 1980

Posted on: 5/17/2013 10:33:36 PM

Referred to as "Dan" he was slightly overweight yet tall, had dark brown hair, loved flannel shirts, wore glasses, was funny, and was an excellent guitar player. I believe he participated in band (music theory for sure) at school and know he was in a band of his own. I AM NOT CERTAIN IF HE GRADUATED IN 1980 OR 1981. Fellow students may recall that we were boyfriend/girlfriend and inseparable through high school. His home address while at Gateway was 607 Blueberry Road, Monroeville, PA 15146. I even have his old phone number. We lost touch a few years after graduation, in 1985. He was still residing in Monroeville at that time and for a while anyway worked for the Mexican restaurant "Chi Chi's." He was not married and as far as I am aware did not attend any college between graduation and 1986. His name appears to be missing from most Gateway oriented sites I have found. I may have the graduation year wrong but he and I attended at least 2 years of high school together, recall that he was the same age or slightly older than me, so his graduation had to be my year, 1981, or the previous year, 1980, although since his name seems to be missing perhaps try 1979-1982 just to be sure. I am completely unaware of any information concerning him after 1985. His name is far too common to simply search for so hopefully some info about him can be acquired through his years at Gateway.
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