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Carol Kunig Markowski

Class of 1968

Posted on: 7/2/2010 12:38:57 PM

My sister, Carol, passed away on May 24, 2009. MEMORIAL SERVICE IS MAY 30 FOR CAROL MARKOWSKI Carol A. Markowski, professor of information technology and decision sciences at Old Dominion University for nearly three decades, died May 24, 2009. She was 58. Markowski joined the ODU faculty in 1980 and taught statistical decision analysis, management science, operations management and production planning. Her research was in the areas of mathematical programming, statistical applications and education, and production planning. She fought a courageous battle with cancer for nearly four years and was popular among her fellow faculty members and students. "Carol's passion for her students and her discipline were well known and widely respected," said Nancy Bagranoff, dean of ODU's College of Business and Public Administration. "We have lost a talented member of our faculty, a valued colleague and a good friend." Steve Rhiel, chair of the Department of Information Technology and Decision Sciences, added, "We have truly lost a wonderful friend and colleague. As a driving force in the Decision Sciences major she will be irreplaceable. Carol has made a lasting imprint on all of us both personally and professionally." Markowski received her Ph.D. from Pennsylvania State University in 1980 in industrial/management systems engineering and operations research. She also earned an M.A. in statistics and an M.S. in industrial/management systems engineering, both from Penn State. In 1972, she received a B.S. in mathematics education from Indiana University of Pennsylvania. She taught high school mathematics in Baltimore from 1972-75. Markowski is survived by her husband, Edward, also a professor of information technology and decision sciences at ODU; two daughters, Pamela and Marilyn, both of Durham, N.C.; a brother, Alan Kunig, of Peachtree City, Ga., and a half sister, Laura Kunig, of Pittsburgh.
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