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Brian Joseph Campbell

Class of 1984

Posted on: 8/29/2006 10:52:11 PM

Unfortunately this site was not in existence at the time of my brother Brian's death. However, I thought it fitting to memorialize him on these pages now. Brian was the youngest of 8 children born to Paul and Marilyn Campbell of Turnpike Gardens. Myself(Greg), Mark, Paul, Jeff, Kim, Lisa, Christine and of course Brian spanned more than a decade of Gateway graduates from 1968 to 1984. Brian died unexpectedly on August 10, 2003. As the oldest brother and having left home to attend college during Brian's school years, I did not really get to know him. It was only after he became an adult that I really saw the gentle man that he had become. And even in his death, I learned things from complete strangers that I never new about my little brother. He had such a caring and compassionate heart to everyone that he came in contact with. Our family misses him greatly, especially his wife Joyce and their daughter Carisa. If you knew Brian and have a story you would like to share with us, please send me an email. Christine is also registered on this site under the Class of 1983.
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