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James Richard Lemon

Class of 1960

Posted on: 8/26/2008 8:12:16 AM

James Richard Lemon was born in Wilkinsburg Pa, Sept. 2, 1942.He passed away at his home in Huntington Beach Ca. on June 29, 2007 after a courageous battle with Kidney cancer. He was proceeded in his death by his loving parents James R. Lemon and Grace Hicks Lemon, formerly of Pitcairn Pa. Jim attended Pitcairn and Gateway schools where he played the trumpet in the band. He was also involved in the Boy Scouts, Demolay, and a member of the McGinnis Presbterian church. Jim graduated from Gateway in 1960. He did what Hoarse Greely suggested, He went West. He graduated from Northern State University in Tahlequah Oklahoma with a BS and Masters degree in education Jim taught industrial arts for 40 years at the Downey Unified School District in Downey Ca. He planned to start his own business when he retired in 2004. "Splinters and Nails". Jim was a Mason and a Shriner. He loved deep sea fishing,and attended the local Saturday swap meets. He loved to travel. Jim toured most of the US and Mexico either by foot, or in his sports car, or on his Gold Wing. One of his gratest pleasures was calling Western Pa. in the middle of a January snow storm to relay that he was walking along the Pacific beaches under blue skies, and a warm breeze blowing, in only shots and a tee shirt. Jim had a wonderful sense of humor. He attended many Pitcairn and Gateway High reunions. He enjoyed coming back to see old friends and his parents. The week preceeding his passing his home was flooded with friends and realitives stopping by to reminisce about the good times and to be with him in his final hours. He never complained! Jim was the first to lend a helping hand. Jim was a good guy! He is missed! At his passing he was with friends and family. Jim was cremated and his ashes were interned September 21, 2007 at Council Hill Oklahoma Cemetery. Jim is survived by his sister Judith Lemon Walter and her husband Lee, of Boones Mill, Va. Their children Mack, Jennifer,and Paige.
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