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Tracy Braverman

Class of 1985

Posted on: 3/20/2008 3:08:57 PM

Tracy Braverman was taken away from us at the age of 41. I have been best friends with her for nearly 36 years, and we had great times until the end. Tracy did well for herself, as she became a radiologist tech and helped many people at St. Margrets Hospital, not to mention how dedicated she was to three different fire companies in Monroeville, Pitcairn and Wilmerding. She had no enemies and was loved by many. Tracy loved life, her family, her two cats, and thousands of people she has encountered. I am lost without her, but I will find my way back to my "running buddy". There will be no rock concerts, girls night out, frantic phone calls, only loving memories. Those of you that knew her, please take one moment to reflect on one of the many times or encounters you had with her, it will make you laugh.
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