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Ben Blaha

Class of 1984

Posted on: 9/2/2007 6:59:46 PM

My sweet, big hearted brother Ben died on August 18th, 2007- just 2 weeks shy of his 41st birthday. Ben was fun-loving, loyal, honest, driven and so lovable. He was a wonderful brother (the best!), friend, son, uncle etc... He loved his family so much and was so loved by us. He always had a huge smile on his face, always made you feel right at ease & always loved to goof off & make you laugh. He is remembered by MANY- there were over 600 people at the funeral home & touched SO many more. I miss my younger brother- as so many do...and a part of my heart will be broken forever. May God bless you & keep you Ben...until we are together again. Just as 'Rock N Roll' will never die- YOU "Drew" will be alive in our hearts & minds for all time. ALL my love- your sis- Suzie
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