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Michael Spungen

Class of 1977

Posted on: 8/20/2023 8:45:02 PM

Michael Eli Spungen died in his sleep on August 17, 2023 at his home in Sarasota, FL. At the family’s request, a small private service will be held as his remains will be added to the same niche as his deceased parents Howard and Ruth Spungen. Michael was born October 16, 1959, a day after his brother Steven’s 4th birthday. Over many years, both brothers enjoyed “sharing” their birthday. Despite the age difference, Michael had a very close attachment with his older sister Susan which continued through the years. Michael was an intelligent and sensitive child and adult. While he loved the structure of mathematics and engineering, he was a prolific writer of poetry and lover of Rock and Jazz music. As an adult he taught himself to be quite conversant in German. He attended Penn State University and completed his engineering degree at the University of Pittsburgh. Michael spent decades with his parents Howard and Ruth and in their declining years, Michael selflessly cared for them which allowed them to stay in their own home. Michael never married, but enjoyed hearing about the growth and life experiences of his 4 nieces, Sarah (Spungen) Mycek, Cici (Barmon) Rodriguez, Miriam (Spungen) Philmon, and Jessica Barmon. He is survived by his Sister Susan and Brother Steven
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