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Curtiss Dean Cook JrClass of 1976
Posted on: 7/2/2015 5:33:55 PM
On Friday, October 10, 2014, Curtis Dean Cook, Jr., 55, of Pitcairn. Son of Nancy Jean (Don) (Webb) Swick and the late Curtis Dean Cook, Sr.; father of Taylor Renee Price-Cook; grandson of the late Hazel and Eugene Cook and Jean and Homer Webb; brother and sisters, Cheryl Woods, Angela Soldati and Karl Troutman. NO VISITATION. THE WM. O. PEARCE FUNERAL HOME, INC., Pitcairn
Curt was my BEST friend, There's NOT a day that goes by that I don't think of him! He inspired me thru my whole life I didn't see him as my "FOSTER" brother. He was my BROTHER!!!! Contact: Log in to see contact info