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Joseph A. Kiren

Class of 1961

Posted on: 5/4/2013 2:49:43 AM

Joseph Anthony Kiren left his earthly tent to be welcomed home by Jesus Christ, his Lord and Savior on April 27, 2013. Joseph was born in Youngstown, Ohio on February 11, 1943, the son of the late Joseph L. and Theresa Ciccarelli Kiren. He is survived by brothers Bill & John and sisters Theresa & Lynn. He graduated from Gateway High School, Monroeville, PA in 1961 and later joined the U. S. Air Force. He was a weapons mechanic assigned at Wheelus AFB, Libya. After Joe was honorably discharged on February 23, 1966, he worked for Westinghouse Electric Corp. as a core builder at its East Pittsburgh location primarily, but became paralyzed in 1972 when his motorcycle was forced off the road near Warren, PA while on his way to work near there. Following rehabilitation at the former St. Francis Hospital in Pittsburgh, he became involved with the Tri-State Chapter of Paralyzed Veterans of America, serving in various offices until he was hired as the Chapter’s first Executive Director in 1988. He retired from the then renamed Keystone Chapter in 1999. During his tenure with the TSPVA/KPVA, he worked enthusiastically to help its members, give a presence to the organization, and encourage the establishment of the SCI Clinic at the VA Pittsburgh Healthcare System. During much of that period of time, he was on the board of Three River’s Center for Independent Living also. Joe came out of retirement in to work for Sam’s Club in Monroeville until, for health reasons, he was forced to retire again in July, 2012. Joe attended both Oral Roberts University in Tulsa, OK and Geneva College in Pittsburgh, pursuing a degree in Human Resource Management. He followed his mother’s footsteps in being a dedicated volunteer, not just for PVA and TRICL but also as a teacher’s aide at Christian Fellowship Academy, as a prayer counselor for both the 700 Club and CTVN. ll be private. Want to go back to work? Let PVA's vocational rehabilitation specialistshelp youout!
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