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Amy HesterClass of 1980
Posted on: 8/20/2012 10:38:24 PM
Amy Hester Zimmerman, 38, of East Penn Township, Carbon County, died Tuesday, March 21, 2000 at home. She was the wife of Charles A. Zimmerman. She was a radio technician for amateur radio and special emergency services. Amy was a past president of the Carbon ARC and had a lot to offer the amateur community. Always a volunteer, Amy was a member of the Penn Mahoning Ambulance corps and an avid hunter. She was also a member of the Delaware Lehigh ARC. She was also a computer technician for Lantek, Kutztown. She is survived by brother, Ronald of Fairborn, Ohio, Leanne (Taylor) Hester of Monroeville, Allegheny County and the late William Hester. Contact: Log in to see contact info