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Dana A. RubyClass of 1972
Posted on: 5/28/2012 9:05:12 AM
Dana A. Ruby -- GHS 1972, Football Team -- d. Ft. Pierre, SD, on Monday, October 11, 2004, age 49; married to Brenda Bartoo Ruby; father of Travis and Fletcher; son of Ruth M. and the late Anthony W.; brother of Corinne Rossman (Francois Van Zeebroeck), Eunice Phillips (Phil Faine) and Leland (Linda) Ruby; also nieces and nephews. He was the Senior Librarian at the State Library of Pierre, SD. Friends received at GENE H. CORL INC., FUNERAL CENTER OF MONROEVILLE. 4335 Northern Pike (1 block east of Mosside Blvd.-Route 48). Visitation 2-4 and 7-9pm Thursday where Services will be held on Friday at 10am.
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