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Rodrick Alan Crousey

Class of 1966

Posted on: 2/9/2012 9:05:38 AM

In Memory of the Love of My Life Richard Alan Crousey November 28, 1948 - February 9, 2010 "Now we see through the glass darkly, but then face to face." I Corinthians 13:12 When I see a river just right to canoe, or hear 'Come Thou Fount' my thoughts race to you We shared our home for 35 years, filled with laughter, joy and tears Raised four great kids to serve our God - Cambric, Caleb, Josh and Rod In everything they say and do, each of our kids [and grandkids] remind me of you Latrobe Steele was your second home, often working dawn to dusk, No matter what you had to do, you always came home to us As supervising engineer, you really loved your 'Furnace Crew', And all the special relationships and friendships that you knew God burdened your heart with love to teach, so many lives you tried to reach In Sunday School at Tree of Life or just one soul in need Your life and being just may be the only Bible some would read It's been two years since you left our earthly home, God carried you in love to His heavenly throne No more fear, cancer or pain - your work on earth is done, yet your touch on our lives has just begun. We all miss you - your wife and children, your sister and Mom Yes, all your friends and family, and yet we rejoice that you are 'home' Where we will see you again
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